Estate Planning

Arranging your estate to ensure a secure financial future for your family should combine creating wealth or protection, and the subsequent distribution and preservation of it when you are gone.

Arranging your estate to ensure a secure financial future for your family should combine creating wealth or protection, and the subsequent distribution and preservation of it when you are gone. An estate plan ensures that the ownership and control of all your assets is distributed to your beneficiaries according to your wishes in a way that is as smooth as possible.

Aylesbury financial advisers have the ability and expertise to guide you with your estate planning needs and objectives. Our financial advisers will typically use other specialists such as your solicitor and accountant to help with specific aspects of the estate such as tax and legal issues. Utmost is our commitment to ensure clients fully understand the estate planning recommendations and strategy offered.

Philanthropic or Charitable intent

More and more these days we are finding that clients rather than leaving funds to charity through their estate would like to actively witness how their wealth maybe distributed to assist the community. At Aylesbury we provide the ability for you to support your preferred charities through flexible tax effective investments.
